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Welcome to the Unofficial "Programming in C" Website!

Programming in C

As some of you may have noticed, the Official Stephen Cochan Website ( has been offline or improperly functioning as of a few months ago. I realized this when I was using one of his books and, when I encountered a particularly difficult question, decided that I needed some help with it. This, as you can tell, was quite irritating. I decided to take it upon myself, with no authorization or contact with Stephen Cochan himself, to list the answers to the exercises in his book "Programming in C".

The Aim of This Website

This website is not designed to infringe on any copyrights of the author of this book. It is purely designed to assist amateur programmers whilst they are stuck on one of the exercises detailed at the end of each chapter of the book. This website does not provide information from, or quote from (except for the questions themselves) the content of the book.

The Answers Themselves...

All the answers on this website were written by me (with some assistance from coders more talented than I). I have slowly but surely worked my way through these answers and they are all completely original.

List of Chapters

The following are a list of chapters within the book. Click one to see the exercises.

  1. Introduction - A history of C. No exercises
  2. Some Fundamentals - Terms and a overview of the nature of programming. No exercises
  3. Compiling and Running Your First Program - Basic stuff
  4. Variables, Data Types and Arithmetic Expressions - More interesting basics
  5. Program Looping - Looping Statements in C
  6. Making Decisions - If, else and switch